Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Summer is almost here and this year I can't wait, it's usually the opposite because I always have 10 extra kids and work 12 hours a day. This year I'm cutting back!!!! YES!!!! Just 1 extra for now, but Dakota is 2 and has been w/me since 6weeks so he is 1 of my own. Since March we have been busy, busy, busy....end of the year school projects, cheer banquet, San Antonio, house updates ;), wrecked my car ~ UHGGGGG, Memorial Day, blah...blah, blah. So here are a few pics, sorry I suck so bad at blogging!


Miranda said...

The girls are getting so big. However I dont think Lindsey is old enough to be wearing makeup just yet...

Fit Dani said...

Wrecked ur car like totalled? I havent seen u, I need to come by with the new baby when he is born! Only a few more weeks. yehaww.
Im sure you wouldnt mind holding a new baby?!?! LOL
Yeah we deff need u to blog some more but understand how busy you are!

~Shelly~ said...

wrecked ur car? what! the xterra?

the pics are adorable as usual.. they look so old! ah i feel old!

btw- had to make a new blog bc my old one got deleted & i lost everything.