Thursday, July 2, 2009

* PRIVATE Fireworks Display!!! * Pretty Cool!

Mr. and Mrs. Danny and Mary Thompson

My chicken YUMMY!

My chicken good I had to pic it twice!

Brothers from another mother!

Me, my bestie Krista, and Mary (so glad to see her again, she lives in BFE)

On Saturday our "Chosen Family" invited us back to their communities fireworks display...put on by ONE man (this year he had a pyrotechnics team and his FORMAL commercial fireworks license ~ WOW)! Paid for by ONE man!!! This my friends comes out of his pocket, for his friends, and I am honored that we get invited. Lance and Krista hosted a ton of family and friends, lots of good food and as always GREAT FUN! It was soooo good to see Mary and Danny and my sweet Chelsea is grown...O~M~G!!!! She even took my car....OMG again! I found my chicken, thank GOD, it's the best bbq dry rubbed chicken found on earth and when I started I had 7 pieces on my plate! I was swattin' hands off of it like flies! Ya'll.... this show was as big and longer than the ones put on by the cities....and set to music too!

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